“With our powers combined we’re like a giant Japanese themed combination robot” King Legacy’s Jay Frettingham on making comics with his brother and winning the Small Press Factor
Last summer we brought you news of a fantastic competition called The Small Press Factor, which was run by the team at Leamington Comic Con 2017. It was a chance for an up and coming comic book creator to win a table at the 2017 event, as well as some promotion for their comic, including an interview here on Pipedream Comics. So ladies and gentlemen, allow us to introduce to you, the winners of the Small Factor – King Legacy. We talk Elvis and aliens with writer Jay Frettingham!

So, Elvis, aliens and time travel – where did the inspiration come from for King Legacy – and which came first?
Jay Frettingham: First things first… *DISCLAIMER* Any similarities to legends of rock and roll, past or present, are purely coincidental.
The creation of King Legacy started with myself and Liam talking nonsense in a bedroom about the King fighting in an intergalactic war. That nonsense was then relaid to [artist] Dave, who began to talk nonsense himself. We all had a feeling this could be something cool, so we decided to put our extremely creative heads together and came up with some solid ideas. Those ideas manifested into scripts and sketches which then evolved into the first issue. And it only took 6 whole years!!! The original idea was much more serious and violent with a working title of “Return of the King” but that’s not really us.
Are you a big Elvis fan?
JF: Who isn’t? It was fun using his song titles as chapter titles. I originally wrote it in 12 short chapter, having two chapters per comic, but we decided it made more sense having just the six.
How did you all meet? I’m guessing from the common surname it’s a family connection somewhere?
JF: All three of us are close and awesome friends. Myself and Liam are brothers and are probably the face and body of the team – we’ll let you decide who’s what. Then Dave and I worked together and did nothing but talk comics, which made a boring job kinda fun. Dave’s like the brother we never wanted, but he is the one we needed to create this comic.

What are your influences as comic creators?
JF: We all share a common interests in the movies and comics we watch and read. We have similar humour as well. Things like Spaced, Shaun of the Dead and Invincible are things that always come to mind because they balance great story telling with action and comedy. We wanted exactly that. It’s really good that we’re all on the same page.
The book has a nice all ages time was it important to keep that mainstream appeal?

JF: It wasn’t something that we purposely went for. Like we said previously, it was going to be a bit more violent. But we are glad it turned out the way it did. We think it is suitable for everyone and absolutely everyone should read it!!!
Congrats on winning the small press factor competition, what made you want to enter it?
JF: Our friend, Mike Garley, brought it to our attention. We are so proud of what we created, and we had some pretty good feedback, so we hoped others, like judges and the kind, would like it too. And we are so glad that they did.
And why do you think you won?
JF: It’s quite an original story done in quite an original way. Dave’s art is awesome; really animated and clean. And Liam’s natural ability to colour helps bring it all to life. So it wasn’t one thing; we think it’s how everything just works together.
This is your first book isn’t it? Have you got plans for more King Legacy? Or other titles?

JF: King Legacy issue 2 is being drawn as we speak. We are working hard to get it out this year, but time is an issue for us seeing as we all have full time jobs, and I have two kids at 3 years and 1 year, so finding the time can be a challenge.
Saying that, I have started a new comic titled Arcane Faith. It will incorporate a lot of old beliefs and myths with magic, monsters and things of that nature. It’s very different from King Legacy and I’m thinking about doing the art myself so that Dave can continue with King.
And what’s been the biggest thing you’ve learned from producing it?
JF: We learned to work together as a team. It took a while for us to appreciate that we are in it together as a team but in the end we all helped each other. Now, with our powers combined we’re like a giant Japanese themed combination robot. Or a some sort of Captain for the Planet.
And finally if you could put your Elvis up against another time traveling pop Culture icon for an ultimate battle, who would you pick?
JF: There are so many to choose: Obviously Marty McFly is one. Max Walker from the classic Time Cop movie. What about the Terminator or Bill and Ted? Man this a toughy. Thing is King could probably whoop all their butts.
“But guys, what about these dudes from Quantum Leap“, you ask? Yeah he’d kick their combined butts too.
You can find out more about King Legacy via their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter @comickinglegacy. And if you’re heading to Leamington Comic Con on March 25th then pop by their table and tell them we said to say Hi!