Indie Comics

Torsobear: Yarns from Toyburg
Back in January we reviewed the brilliant Norwegian anthology Outre Press. The stand out title in their second instalment was Brett
Nailbiter 02 cover
Josh Williamson and Mike Henderson's gruesome new creator-owned series Nailbiter from Image Comics had one of the most iconic and disturbing
Kafka's The Castle
Ninety years ago today, celebrated writer Franz Kafka passed away from tuberculosis before finishing his final novel. Today SelfMadeHero marks
Warhawks 1 cover
There's a huge number of reasons why people creates comics: artistic expression; a lifelong passion; the desire for fame and
We rundown the best of Pipedream Comics from the month of May... Behind the scenes of Marvel's Infinite Comics with layout artists
Grimm's Briar Rose
Motion book publisher Madefire's latest literary adaptation sees Heroes Club artist Ile Wolf tackle fairytales in his take on the Grimm's
Trees #1 cover
This weekends must read digital comics in the Sunday Digest include Warren Ellis' new eco apocalypse series Trees from Image Comics,
Marvel's latest crossover Original Sin has begun within the Marvel Universe and the Infinite Comics line is getting involved with a
2000 AD Sci-Fi Special cover
For long-time fans of the 'the Galaxy's Greatest Comic' the 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special was an essential part of any
Madefire new publishers
The eclectic collection of titles on the Madefire motion book platform are set to get some new additions as they add 4 new
Electricomics logo
You might not expect legendary comic creator, Alan Moore to be an advocate of digital publishing, however the Watchmen co-creator
Dracula's Guest
Motion book publisher Madefire have a history of producing dark, gothic horror stories with the original titles like Houses of the Holy or licensed