Help Support Torsobear: Yarns from Toyburg by Brett Uren on Kickstarter
Back in January we reviewed the brilliant Norwegian anthology Outre Press. The stand out title in their second instalment was Brett Uren’s Torso Bear which was a crime noir featuring teddy bears and kids toys in the lead roles. We described is as ‘Like Raymond Chandler meets Teddy Ruxpin with a generous dose of Robert Crumb” and that we’d love to see a full series of it. Well hopefully that is about to happen as Brett has started a Kickstarter for a full Torsobear anthology called ‘Yarns From Toyburg’ and we hope you can help support it and make it happen.
Creator Brett describes it as..
Torsobear: Yarns from Toyburg is going to be a 104 page anthology Graphic Novel. The first volume of a cartoon noir comic book, about toy-on-toy crime in a fantastic city of playthings . Ruxby Bear and Toyburg PD investigate cases of violence, corruption and murder in a city of toys.
‘In the fluffy noir world of Torsobear, not all toys play nice!
Welcome to the city of Toyburg, where the sweet streets are teeming with crime, passion, and murders most foul. They are walked (for the most part) by grim detectives, burned-out has-beens, femme fatales and tragic heroes.
The dismembered bodies of teddy bears are being found in back alleys of Mindy Mile district, and it’s up to our hero, rookie detective Ruxby Bear and his partner officer Hazbrow to solve this string of murders, no matter how high and far the clues take them.
Between cases, we take a look into the lives of Toyburg’s citizens, police and criminals. No matter where you turn, this city has something sinister hidden just behind the storybook surface.
Remember, it’s always fun until someone gets hurt…’

We think it’s a fantastic project and we hope you can get involved. You can find the Kickstarter here and below is their promo video to find out even more!