Man vs Rock vol.1 (Boxrott Publishing)
If you are in any way shape or form offended by crass humour, foul language and unnecessary violence then whatever you do, DO NOT READ Man vs Rock.
Publisher: Boxrott Publishing
Writer: Kevin Bieber, Victor De Troy
Artist: Jared Lamp
Price: £1.49 from ComiXology
Our rating: [star rating=”4.5″]
Even if you think you have quite a strong stomach for such content, then heed our warning – Man vs Rock is most definitely not safe for work, for reading on public transport or even for talking about in polite company with right thinking people. However if you want a book that has an anarchic ‘don’t-give-a-damn’ spirit that is in no way held back by political correctness or good taste and is offensive to everyone and everything, then Man vs. Rock is the book for you.
The story centres around crazy geology professor Buck Stone and his questionable relationship with rocks and his predictions that they are going to take over the world. So when these paranoid ramblings come true then only he can save the day. Describing the plot of Man vs Rock doesn’t do it justice as it sounds like the delusions of a mental patient, and in many ways that is how the book reads, but behind the insane rambling story and off-colour jokes is a book that feels completely unique thanks to it’s refusal to accept rules of good conduct and taste. If Cards Against Humanity were a comic, it would be Man vs Rock!
With a hand drawn, zine-like feel, Man vs Rock feels like it could have been plucked from an underground 90s anthology (even the production values are a bit old school) and it definitely has that aura of a book that is a guilty secret shared in hushed tones by those in the know (which is how we heard about it in the first place!). So lock the doors, hide in a dark room where no-one can judge you and be prepared to laugh until you cry, while also feeling utterly ashamed of yourself for doing so, as there is definitely not another book out there like this – and don’t blame us if you get offended, we warned you!