The Eyrie (The Eyrie)
Before he sets off on his summer holidays Olly MacNamee check into a spooky guest house in rural Sussex caleld The Eyrie, for a good old fashioned ghost story courtesy of Thom Burgess and Barney Bodoano!
Before he sets off on his summer holidays Olly MacNamee check into a spooky guest house in rural Sussex caleld The Eyrie, for a good old fashioned ghost story courtesy of Thom Burgess and Barney Bodoano!
After a recent review of Wolfmen and Rise of the Wolfmen, we were contacted by Accent UK supremo Dave West, to see if we would be interested in having a look at some of the other books available from this UK indie stable, and we’re glad we did as it meant we got to check […]
There’s been a long history of comics and wrestling locking up – it must be something to do with the colourful costumes and the idea of good versus evil battling it out. The latest comic to step into the squared circle is El Marvo, the debut book from Hawk and Cleaver Comics, featuring art from Vanguard’s Dan […]
Our US correspondent and webcomic guru Rebecca Hail take a look at four more great Web Comics this week that she recommends as a quick way to get a laugh in your day. From Tumblr to Twitter, you’ll be sure to find one to brighten your day and make you chuckle so we pick four of […]
Our US correspondent Rebecca Hail caught up with The Damned and The Sixth Gun creator Cullen Bunn at the Salina Comic Con. We talked about his new book Regression from Image Comics, plus the inspiration behind his creator owned titles and his take on the state of the indies.
Just when you think the world can’t get any more crazy, then a press release from the Man vs Rock guys appears in our Inbox asking the question “When will Man vs. Rock finally be assassinated by a fascist, foreign dictator?” and giving us a sneak preview of the most explosive graphic novel of all time – […]
If you thought football related comics were past their prime the minute Roy of the Rovers hung up his boots, then it’s time to think again as 2000 AD legends John Wagner and Alan Grant have brought fresh legs to this comic book staple with new series Rok of the Reds, that mixes soccer and […]
From our inception 5 years ago, Pipedream Comics has been a huge advocate of the world of digital comics. So we were honoured to be contacted by a team at the British Library who were looking to investigate British Digital Comics and how they can be preserved and archived. But they need your help. So please read […]
This weekend saw the great and the good of the UK indie and small press scene descend of the Cardiff Masonic Hall for the Cardiff Independent Comic Expo. Although we couldn’t make it on the day, we were lucky enough to be sent some preview copies of 4 of the fantastic books being released this […]
We see plenty of anthologies in the small press scene, but none quite like Transience: An Unforgettable Anthology. Now being funded on Kickstarter, it collects together a variety of stories set in a world where people can no longer make short term memories to create a unique mix of anthology and ongoing series. But will it succeed in […]