Review: Boat Volume 4: Hell Comes to No Land (BHP Comics)
Volume four of David Lumsden’s epic water logged, post-apocalyptic drama Boat is now available from BHP Comics. But is this new volume plain sailing or is it time to abandon ship?
Volume four of David Lumsden’s epic water logged, post-apocalyptic drama Boat is now available from BHP Comics. But is this new volume plain sailing or is it time to abandon ship?
From the darkened garage of it’s creator’s the minds comes new vehicle of comic entertainment, Midnight Highway. With a second issue now on kickstarter, we check out this sci-fi/horror about a man and his car finding their way along a very unsettling road. But will it start readers engines or find its way to the scrapheap?
Fresh off the heels of the fantastic Milford Green Saga collected edition, Samuel George London and Mikael Hankonen are back together with Access Denied. Set in a time where Artificial intelligence has colonised Mars, this comic tells the story of two very different people finding love despite their respective people’s animosity. But will it bring readers head over heels?
We check out another new Comic from Heavy Metal’s comic imprint, Magma Comix, as the first issue of Never Never hits the shelves. Created by Mark McCann and Phil Buckenham, this is a story of a young girl invited to a magical place, only to find her host is not all he’s hinted at being. […]
Do you sometimes feel all alone in the world? You aren’t the only one. SG (short for Sad Ghost) has anxious swirling thoughts and feels totally invisible. But when he meets a kindred spirit named Socks, his night begins to improve. Become a member of The Sad Ghost Club yourself, with this heart-warming story about inclusivity from Lize Meddings.
It’s been a while since we gushed about a new Vault Comics title, and this one definitely lives up its name. Barbaric follows the story of a Barbarian cursed to help people with a talking Axe, can this new series from Michael Moreci, Nathan Gooden and company show itself to be a cut above the rest or will it deserve the chop?
The Comixology Originals stable has evolved into a really interesting collection of titles: from LGBT superheroes, to afterlife taxis and arctic epics. The latest to join this eclectic crew is folk horror Double Walker but will it make great strides for original content or trip over its own feet on the way to the summit.
Comics based on films are nothing new. From Star Wars to Psycho there has long been a link between the silver screen and the printed page. Madi is a little different however as despite existing in a universe shared by co-writer Duncan Jones’ films Moon and Mute, this is a whole new story, illustrated by some of the most talented artists in comics.
Rammur #1, which just finished its indiegogo campaign is created by Charles Santino and friends, and follows a technologically advanced thief in a techno-fascist police state. But is this comic truly a steal that’s worth doing time for?
Micah Myers is a lettering staple in the comics world, with credits at multiple publishers. He is currently on the final straight of the kickstarter for the second issue of this The Disasters, a supervillain comic series he created with Javier Caba. As such, we thought we’d check out if crime (or rather criminal focused comic) pays as well as lettering!