Indie Comics

Transformers 1
The guys overs at IDW Publishing have created a great niche for themselves in the digital comics world thanks to their
Is there a better team in comics today than Sean Philips and Ed Brubaker? Whether it's the pot-boiled noir of
Everyone loves zombies, and the only thing better than the undead is when an unlikely hero takes on the hordes
In the world of digital comics you could be forgiven for assuming that there are the big two (ComiXology and
What's the best way to take the story of two Victorian computer pioneers and turn it into an exciting iPad
This week's must-have is the brilliant Powerplay by Kurt Christenson and Reilly Brown. A lot of comics claim to have
This week saw the release of Apple's new iOS5 operating system for iPad and iPhone. You might have missed it
If you type the phrase 'iPad comic art' into Google, one of the first names you come across is Kyle
Here at Pipedream Comics we're big fans of writers and artists who embrace the world of self-publishing.. One of our
You wouldn't naturally link fashion and digital comics, but petit model Isobella Jade has linked these two disparate worlds to create the
As comic fans we're all famalliar with the idea of a pull list - the carefully selected list of titles
When it comes to producing artwork on the iPad it's great to see what creative people come up with using