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Review: Second Coming #1 (Ahoy Comics)
When it comes to books about religion, there tends to be two main camps - there are the more reverential
Review: Miskatonic High #1 & #2 (Mike Shea & Ryan Mendoza)
Whether it be Riverdale, Buffy the Vampire Slayer or even One Tree Hill, the school setting has long been a
Indie Comics Round-Up: Wolverton #2, Transfer #2 & Our Final Halloween #2
We sometimes get accused of only covering the first issues of certain series, so here is a quick looks at
"The story of Man’s first step on the moon is such an amazing, exciting, drama-filled tale that we were surprised...
For their follow up to the gonzo world of Last Driver and the future gazing of Adventures in Science, Chris
"It's a recreation of living in a compound in the desert, but using the visual language of northern England" Shaun...
The latest book that we have discovered via cowd-funding platform Unbound is Shaun Gardiner's spectacular The Boy With Nails For
Review: Deiciders #1 (Markosia Enterprises)
We take a look at Deiciders #1, a recent release from the ever reliable Markosia Comics which follows three seasoned
Review: Novelty (Good Comics)
Mohar Kalra’s Novelty is the latest quirky curiosity from the team at Good Comics. A thoughtful and thought provoking look
"It’s all part of the general mission to show that comic books can do ‘serious’ subjects" Sean Michael Wilson and...
We catch up with Sean Michael Wilson and Robert Brown, the creative team behind The Many Not The Few. Tell
"We wanted to get our world-building, full-throttle creative mojo back" Simon Furman and Geoff Senior on new comic To The...
From its explosive opening scene which sees a bunch of grizzled mercs battling aliens on a battle ravaged planet then
"It is a story that is going to pull the rug out from under readers' feet at multiple points" John...
The new series from Sink's John Lees and Scam artist Ryan Lee, Moutainhead is a mix of horror and mystery,
Review: Wailing Blade #1 (ComiXtribe)
It feels like Creator-owned comics from Rich Douek are like buses; you wait forever for one and then two come
Review: Sink #6-10 (ComixTribe)
Having discovered his work via the crime/horror Mountainhead, we decided to delve head long in to the dark and disturbing
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