Indie Comics

The latest book from High Crimes’ Christopher Sebela is a cyberpunk mystery that follows a technologically altered young woman on
The latest campaign from the fantastic Fair Spark Books is a collection of their all ages series Ella Upgraded. The
Anna Haifisch's comic strip The Artist, has become a small press favourite thanks to its series of evocative stories about
From Friendo to These Savage Shores to Test, Vault Comics have been one of our favourite publishers this year, with
Vanni, is a powerful new graphic novel that looks at the civil war in Sri Lanka, that occured in the
We take a look at the highly imaginative and unconventional, The Boy With Nails For Eyes from Shaun Gardiner.
This new collection from Avery Hill brings together the first 3 volumes of Alabaster Pizzo's acclaimed self published series, Mimi
Joe Glass’ superhero series the Pride has been a shining light in the small press scene for its positive representation
We take a look at three fantastic new indie comics including: the new issue of Rich Carrington's Mahoney's from Hard
Comixology, long since considered the premier source for digital comics, even with the invention of the Unlimited and Comichaus subscriptions,
The 90s are back in a big way, and riding this wave of nostalgia for the decade of grunge and
This month we take a look at three horrific new books: Knock Knock 11: Pestillence, Frank At Home On The