Review: Heart of Steal #1 (Cabal Comics)
We look at Heart of Steal #1, Fraser Campbell and Katie Fleming’s futuristic heist comic about three friends on different sides in the midst of a robbery.
The best indie comics reviews.
We look at Heart of Steal #1, Fraser Campbell and Katie Fleming’s futuristic heist comic about three friends on different sides in the midst of a robbery.
For his follow up to Ghosts Etc. George Wylesole delves into the murky world of online adventuring in the late 1990s for this uniquely original read.
A new Tammy and Jinty Special brings back classic 70s titles and is packed full of fantastic female focused stories from some of small press’ biggest names.
The latest book from High Crimes’ Christopher Sebela is a cyberpunk mystery that follows a technologically altered young woman on a search for meaning in the mysterious town of Laurelwood.
From Friendo to These Savage Shores to Test, Vault Comics have been one of our favourite publishers this year, with each and every new title deserving our attention. This time check out Resonant #1, which tells of one young girl’s mission to protect her siblings while their father, Paxton, travels for help in a deadly […]
We take a look at the highly imaginative and unconventional, The Boy With Nails For Eyes from Shaun Gardiner.
This new collection from Avery Hill brings together the first 3 volumes of Alabaster Pizzo’s acclaimed self published series, Mimi and the Wolves.
We take a look at three fantastic new indie comics including: the new issue of Rich Carrington’s Mahoney’s from Hard Line Comics; spaced out sci-fi wierdness from Black Mask Studios with Space Riders; and Plexus the latest anthology from Irish publishers Limit Break Comics. Mahoney’s #2 (Hard Line Comics) Arriving just a little too late […]
Comixology, long since considered the premier source for digital comics, even with the invention of the Unlimited and Comichaus subscriptions, recently celebrated a year since their announcement to begin publishing their own comics line, Comixology Originals. Now, with the recent release of their second wave which include Joe Glass’ the Pride and Andy Diggle’s Promethee, […]
This month we take a look at three horrific new books: Knock Knock 11: Pestillence, Frank At Home On The Farm, Cadavers: World Gone To Hell